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Real Time Traffic Information

Are there traffic jams and road works along your route and yet you need to arrive at your destination on time? With Real Time Traffic Information, this is not an issue, as you are always kept informed in real time about the current traffic situation. Alternative routes are suggested to you automatically and in good time, and you always know exactly what kind of delays are to be expected, if any.
- Real-time traffic information at a glance.
- Prompt suggestions for time-saving alternative routes.
- Quick notification of any delays on the route.
Stuck in rush-hour after a long day at the office or standing still in a traffic jam during your vacation? This doesn't have to be. Real Time Traffic Information knows the current traffic situation precisely and helps you avoid time-consuming delays by circumventing them. It knows the best, most rapid route to your destination and alerts you in real time to all traffic-related obstacles that may arise during your journey – accurate to a hundred metres.
In the event of unexpected traffic jams, building sites or road closures Real Time Traffic Information also suggests alternative routes in good time and recommends the fastest diversion on your route so that you can still reach your destination on time. However, if a delay cannot be avoided on the road, you will receive precise information on how much time you can expect to lose and when you will reach the destination.